Thursday 15 November 2012

The Blogger Tag

Hello :) I've been tagged by Ashleigh  to do The Blogger Tag. So here we go :)

The Rules:

  1. Each person tagged must post 11 random facts about themselves.
  2. They must answer the 11 questions posted by the previous blogger.
  3. They must create 11 more questions to ask their tagged bloggers.
  4. They must tag 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
  5. The bloggers must be told.
  6. No tag backs
11 Random facts about myself:
  • I'm in love 
  • I adore Hello Kitty
  • I wish I was French
  • My dream is to own a boutique 
  • I'm obsessed with numbers 3,6,9 & 13 
  • I re-paint my nails every 2 days
  • My favourite shop is H&M
  • I wear Kim Kardashian's perfume 
  • I love photography
  • I have Tumblr
  • I Love the Fratellis and The Wombats 
Ashleigh's questions for me...

1. What are your three biggest pet peeves?
 One -  People that seek attention, it's just annoying, I can't understand why it's necessary. 
 Two - People who swear constantly, it's not 'grown up' it's foul! 
 Three - Too much/Patchy fake tan, there's a girl I know who has bright orange ankles it makes me cringe 

2. Chocolate or peanut MnM's?
Chocolate, I don't like peanuts

3. If you could only wear one nail polish brand for the rest of your life, which one would it be and why?
It would have to be Barry M, they have a rainbow of colours which I adore. They also have lots of cool nail effects too, my favourite are the 'foil effects' especially the silver one

4. What's your staple clothing item that always makes you feel confident whenever you wear it? 
My Burgundy coat from Primark with the faux fur collar and gold buttons, I feel instantly glamorous and it's a classy, finish touch to any look.

5. Winter or summer?
This is difficult! I love summer because there's no school, I can see my boyfriend as much as I like and we do so many fun things like go to the zoo, the beach, chill outside, and I love bright floral prints which are typically a summer thing. But Then winter is amazing too because there's Christmas, also my wardrobe takes a darker, more glamorous turn and I wear more leather, dark fabrics and gold beaded pieces. Also My boyfriend and I snuggle under blankets and watch Christmas movies, bake cookies and cuddle in bed to stay warm and watch television. I think I'll have to pick winter, also because I layer up more, meaning I wear more clothes :P

6. What's your favourite childhood film? 
My favourite childhood film would have to be Space Jam, My older brother and I watched it countless times together

7. What song always gets you on the dance floor?
I don't tend to go anywhere with a dance floor :s But the song that always makes me get up and dance is Techno Fan by the Wombats, it's got such a good beat and the song makes me happy whenever I hear it. 

8. Tea or coffee?
I dislike both, I'm all for aero hot chocolate!

9. If you could only shop in one high street store for clothing for the rest of your life, which shop would it be and why?
I would say H&M because it has some amazing items that really suit my style. Their denim range is really good and I could wear it forever! Also they do the most fantastic designer collaborations which are to die for!

10. Heels or flats?
Heels for the win! I'm short so I love to throw on heels as much as possible, also I find they look more elegant and instantly feel more glamorous and powerful. My boyfriend recently bought me the most gorgeous pair of spiked, shoe boots which I adore (I'll post about those later) and they are now my favourite pair of shoes. 

11. Which person has inspired you the most throughout your life?
I would have to say my older sister Kerri. She's 8 years older than me and my memories of her when I was little were of her choosing my outfits, doing my hair or perfecting her latest make-up look. She taught me basic make-up techniques, how to put a good outfit together and how to be elegant. I'm grateful for the advice and tips she's given me not to mention all the beauty products and clothes. My other main inspirations are Lauren Conrad, Kim Kardashian and Tyra Banks. 

Now my questions for you...

1. Most expensive item in your wardrobe?
2. What's your dream job?
3. What's your favourite pair of shoes that you own?
4. Your go to beauty product on a bad day?
5. Would you dye/bleach your hair?
6. Have any piercings?
7. Want kids when you're older?
8. Favourite music artist?
9. What do you like to eat as a snack?
10. Favourite country you've visited?
11. Chanel or Gucci?

I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know if you do the Tag :) 
Love Dixie 
:) xox

1 comment:

  1. Great post! :) I love Space Jam i watched it none stop for a month when i was like 5 years old :D
